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What is the exchange rate of Monero (XMR) in AUD?

The daily exchange rate of Monero (XMR) to AUD fluctuated between a high of A$269.19 on Saturday and a low of A$255.01 on Tuesday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of XMR in AUD had the largest 24-hour price movement on Friday (3 days ago) by A$6.57 ( 2.5% ).

How can I track Monero prices in real-time?

Track current Monero prices in real-time with historical XMR USD charts, liquidity, and volume. Get top exchanges, markets, and more.

Why is the price direction of Monero increasing?

The current price direction of Monero is increasing because XMR is up 2.85% in the last 30 days. Please wait a moment. Use our free converter to calculate XMR - AUD.

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